
From Flightcase to Event: The expertise of an outside studio

Off-site audiovisual productions represent a major technical and logistical challenge. Each event requires careful preparation and precise execution to ensure a professional result. From improvised studios to live conferences, technical teams must transform varied spaces into real movie sets, all with efficiency and speed.

What is the “From Flightcase to Event” concept?

The “From Flightcase to Event” concept represents the complete process of preparing and implementing an audiovisual event off-site. The flightcase, a real mobile safe, contains all the equipment necessary to transform an empty space into a complete production studio. This system is based on meticulous preparation beforehand. The equipment is carefully selected and organized in flight cases according to predefined types of events. These tailor-made “packages”, whether for a Régie Pocket or Premium, contain all the essential elements: blunders, computers, computers, cables, video mixers and sound consoles, among others.

The objective is to optimize installation time on site. No more wasting time looking for the right cable or wondering what equipment to bring! Everything is thought out, prepared and tidy in such a way as to allow rapid and effective deployment once on site. This “From Flightcase to Event” approach guarantees professional quality, even in varied and sometimes unpredictable environments. It offers the flexibility to adapt to the requirements of each customer, while ensuring consistency and technical reliability at each event.

Once out of its suitcase, Régie Mobile transforms any place into a studio ready to broadcast!

How do you prepare for an off-site event?

At Mogador Studios, we believe that an off-site event is prepared well before D-Day. No room is left for the unexpected! and every detail of an event is anticipated in advance.

  1. The technical team starts by studying the location of the event. It analyzes space, power sources, acoustics and technical constraints. This information guides hardware selection and configuration.
  2. Each piece of equipment is then rigorously tested. Batteries are charged, software updated, and configurations are pre-set. This check reduces the risk of technical problems on D-Day.
  3. Transport logistics are planned carefully. The team ensures that the vehicles are adapted to the volume of equipment and optimizes the itinerary.
  4. The production manager then creates a roadbook. This document will be sent to each stakeholder of the event. It brings together all the important information such as arrival, installation, testing and dismantling times.

What are the logistical challenges of outdoor events?

Outdoor events present logistical challenges that require flexibility, rigor and foresight. While working with pre-packaged flight cases greatly simplifies the process, some aspects remain complex to manage.

One of the main challenges lies in coordinating with multiple providers. Each speaker has their own agenda and their own constraints, which can complicate the synchronization of the various stages of the installation and the course of the event.

Places outside of our studios can sometimes present particular constraints:

  1. Unsuitable spaces with inadequate furniture
  2. Acoustic problems
  3. Old auditoriums
  4. Outdated on-site hardware
  5. Unsuitable lighting

To overcome these difficulties, the technical team generally provides additional equipment. This overabundance of equipment makes it possible to adapt quickly to site conditions and to compensate for possible deficiencies in existing installations.

Finally, weather conditions can significantly impact outdoor events. The team must provide solutions for fallback or to protect the equipment in case of bad weather when an event is in the open air.

Our team was pretty lucky on this one, an auditorium is the perfect place, both technically and acoustically, to organize an off-site event!

What is the difference between an in-studio and an off-site event?

The preparation and delivery of an event varies considerably depending on whether it takes place in the studio or off-site. Here are the main differences:

  1. Controlled environment vs adaptabilityIn the studio, everything is already in place and optimized. The equipment is installed, wired, and ready to use. The studio offers a modular environment that can easily be adapted to the client's wishes, whether in terms of the number of cameras or the configuration of the space. Off-site, the team must transform a raw space into a functional studio. This involves a process of loading, unloading, assembling, disassembling, and then reloading the material. This flexibility is both a challenge and an opportunity for creativity.
  2. Stability vs mobilityThe studio offers technical stability. All equipment is in place, tested, and reliable. Off-site events require more complex logistics. The team “moves” on a daily basis, which requires rigorous organization and great adaptability.
  3. Pressure and expectationsParadoxically, the pressure can be higher during a studio event. Our customers often have higher expectations in this professional environment. Off-site, although the technical challenges are more numerous, expectations may be slightly lower due to the known constraints of the location.
  4. PrioritiesIn both cases, the priority remains the same: the good execution of the driver, that is to say the precise course of the event as planned.

What equipment is essential for outdoor events?

Outdoor events require comprehensive and versatile equipment to deal with any situation. Here is a list of the essential equipment that is generally found in our flightcases for this type of event:

  1. Video equipment:
    • Professional cameras
    • Tripods
    • Video mixer
    • Recorder and broadcaster
  2. Audio equipment:
    • Sound console
    • Various microphones (hand, tie, headband)
    • Sound card
  3. Network and connectivity equipment:
    • Switch for the network
    • Signal converters (e.g. HDMI)
    • Various cables (audio, video, network)
  4. Lighting equipment:
    • LED projectors
    • Diffusers and reflectors
  5. Computer equipment:
    • Laptops
    • Control screens
  6. Technical accessories:
    • Gaffeur (specialized adhesive tape)
    • Basic tools for quick repairs
  7. Broadcast equipment:
    • Projection screens or monitors

This list is not exhaustive and may vary depending on the specific nature of the event. The important thing is that each element is carefully selected for reliability, portability, and compatibility with the rest of the hardware.

The redundancy of certain critical equipment (such as cameras or microphones) is also designed to deal with possible failures. This “all-in-one” approach allows our technical team to quickly transform any space into a professional production studio.

All the equipment is doubled in the event of a disaster scenario, such as a series of failures for example.

How are unforeseen events managed?

Managing contingencies is an integral part of off-site events. Experience plays a key role in the ability to deal with unexpected situations. Here's how professionals deal with these challenges:

  1. Anticipation and prevention: The team applies the principle of “once, not twice.” Each problem encountered becomes a lesson for future events.
  2. Equipment redundancy: The team always travels with spare gear. For example, an additional camera is always provided. This redundancy makes it possible to quickly replace faulty equipment without disrupting the course of the event.
  3. Extensive testing: Before each event, the team carries out rigorous tests, like a pilot doing his checklist before takeoff! These thorough checks reduce the risk of technical issues during the event.
  4. Reliable connectivity : For live events, the team plans three separate Internet lines, including one via satellite that is available at all times. This triple internet redundancy ensures a stable and continuous connection, even in the event of a failure of one or two lines.
  5. Adaptability and reactivity: The team is trained to remain calm and professional in the face of the unexpected. This ability to keep your cool allows you to find quick and effective solutions in the event of a problem.

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